
Chandler Garvey Joins Heart of Bucks

Heart of Bucks is the community foundation for Buckinghamshire; a funding organisation awarding grants and loans to support essential local charities and community groups.

One of the strengths of Heart of Bucks is that they have a unique understanding of the needs of Buckinghamshire. Through research and outreach work they can ensure that funding reaches those who need it most and can use it effectively.

As a company we are passionate about supporting our local community and becoming a Heart of Bucks Community Investor made perfect sense to us.

We are often approached by charities and local causes looking for much needed support and it can be difficult for us to decide where to place our funds. By joining the Heart of Bucks community and taking advantage of their knowledge and research we can ensure our funds are making the most impact and reaching the places in our community who need it most.

If you’d like to know more about the Heart of Bucks Community Foundation, the work they do and how you can help please visit the website: