
Heart of Bucks Winter Warmth Appeal

We are proud to be part of The Heart of Bucks Community and this year we are helping to raise awareness for their Winter Warmth campaign.

The Heart of Bucks Winter Warmth appeal helps vulnerable people who struggle to keep warm in the cold months. In addition to granting money towards heating bills, donated funds could also be spent on warm winter clothing, supplies for homeless people such as sleeping bags, and items many people take for granted, such as a hot water bottle or a kettle.

Any donation, however small, can have a big impact on a struggling person or family this winter. The campaign also encourages those who receive the Winter Fuel Payment from the government, but are able to comfortably pay their bills, to think about donating it to help vulnerable people.

If you are able to help, you can donate online HERE

If you’d like to read more about the Heart of Bucks Community Foundation please visit their website HERE